Serial Network systems use serial transmission to enable controllers (a PC or PLC) to control remoy located process equipment. Programmed commands are generated by the controller and are sent through a two-wire (twisted pair cable) connection to a remote input/output (remote I/O) block. These inputs and outputs are then connected to devices such as pneumatic solenoid valves, sensors, or instrumentation of some type.
So why does Serial Networking have such an impact on your profitability? To truly appreciate Serial Interface technology, you should understand the difference between a serial and a conventional control system.
In a conventional control system, I/O cards are located inside the PLC chassis. All wire connections from actuators, limit switches, proximity switches, regulators, etc. have to be fed back to the PLC. Big deal? Well, depending upon the complexity of the system, the number of wires can easily be in the thousands. Try troubleshooting that system with any speed or efficiency.
In a Serial Network system, all the I/O cards and the enormous bundle of wires are replaced with a few cables, a scanner, a Serial Interface unit, and input device. Troubleshooting is quick because of the diagnostic apabilities that are inherent to Serial Network systems.
System integrators and engineers have the freedom needed to design world-class control systems thanks to the SMC family of Serial Network (otherwise known as Serial Interface) products.
得益于SMC的串行網絡(又稱串行接口)產品,系統集成商和工程師可以根據需要自由設計*的系統。 SMC’s modular approach to solving system control problems provides for maximum flexibility. And with SMC’s unequalled reputation for high quality manifolds and valves, you know the entire system will optimize the integrity of your design. Series EX250 and EX500 Serial Network components are just two examples of our commitment to provide these solutions to your control system problems…
SMC模塊化的方法為解決系統控制問題提供了zui大的靈活性。使用SMC聲譽的閥島和閥,將會使你的整個系統的設計得到zui大的優化。下面僅以EX250和EX500系列串行網絡組件為例來說明我們如何提供這些解決方案來控制系統的問題...... EX250 This advanced system not only has 32 sensor input points (in addition to 32 solenoid valve output points), but it is also IP67 rated for those applications in adverse conditions. Series EX250’s self-diagnostic functions help you quickly identify problems that could have otherwise caused major downtime.
這種先進的系統不僅具有32個傳感器輸入點(以及32電磁閥輸出點),而且它還為在不利條件下使用提供了IP67保護等級。 EX250系列的自我診斷功能可以幫助您快速找出問題,否則可能造成較長停機時間,帶來重大損失。 The EX250 device is built with self-diagnostic features to protect the input blocks from over-current and to detect insufficient voltage supply to the valves.
EX500 SYSTEM The true power of a serial system is the amount of flexibility and control it gives you in addition to the significant cost savings. SMC’s latest innovation in serial technology…EX500…gives you the power of decentralized control and the flexibility needed for your design.
EX500系統 串行系統真正的魅力在于它在控制方面具有非常大的靈活性,以及顯著地節省成本。SMC開發的EX500讓你在設計時可以獲得所需的分散控制和靈活性。 Series EX500 consists of a gateway unit that gives decentralized control of 4 branches of 16 inputs and 16 outputs per branch (a total of 128 I/O points!). Series EX500 also harnesses the power of our latest valve manifolds — the Series SV and the VQC valve.
The IP65 rating of all EX500 components will ensure the continued error-free operation of your serial system in just about any environment in which your automation applications are located. 所有的EX500組件為IP65防護等級,這確保您在幾乎任何自動化應用的環境中運行串行系統都持續無差錯。
SMC’S TOTAL SOLUTION It is our goal to provide you with not just one single innovative, high-quality product, but rather a large complement of products that provide a TOTAL SOLUTION for your automation application needs. SMC offers a huge array of pneumatic and electronic products that can be integrated into your Serial Network system with ease and reducing your cost of ownership.
SMC的整體解決方案 我們的目標不僅是提供一個單一的創新的高品質產品,更在于通過大量的其他產品為您的自動化應用提供整體解決方案。 SMC可以提供眾多系列的氣動和電子產品,它們可以集成到能夠緩解和降低生產成本的串行網絡系統中。 FASTER WIRING 接線更快捷 Serial Networks typically communicate through just a few cable connections. Imagine communicating with hundreds of inputs and outputs without having to hard-wire each one back to the PLC or controller. 串行網絡通常只通過幾個連接電纜進行通信。想象一下,如果有數百個輸入和輸出點,而無需讓每個輸入輸出點都通過不同的電線連接到PLC或控制器,是多么便捷的一件事。 QUICK INSTALLATION 安裝更省時 Installing your machine either as a stand-alone application or part of an entire line is a much quicker process through the use of a Serial Network. The modular components can make your installation as easy as “plug and play”.
Have a problem? Save precious time by merely checking the LED display on the serial unit, which will l you if the device in question is working or not. It sure beats checking every wire and I/O point. 出現了問題?僅僅通過檢查串行單元上的LED顯示屏就可以知道特定的設備是否出現問題或正常工作,這可以節省寶貴的時間。 它會檢查每條線和I/O點的節拍。
CAN I BENEFIT FROM USING SERIAL NETWORK PRODUCTS? Ask yourself these questions. The more questions you answer YES to, the more you should consider using serial network products from SMC. 我可以通過使用串行網絡系統產品獲得好處嗎? 可以問自己以下幾個問題,如果獲得的答案“是”越多,那么你更應當考慮使用SMC的串行網絡系統產品。
Do you have multiple solenoid valve manifolds on your machine? 你的機器上有多個電磁閥組嗎?
Would you benefit from spending less time wiring your machines? 如果機器布線時間更少,你會受益于此嗎?
Are you looking for ways to reduce your machine's footprint? 您是否在尋找辦法,以減少機器的占地面積? Do you want to be able to modify your machine's design more efficiently? 你想能夠更有效地修改機器的設計嗎?
Are your customers looking for the latest technology in your design? 你的客戶會看重設計中使用的技術嗎?
Would you like to simplify troubleshooting and maintenance? 您想簡化故障排除和維護過程嗎?
Do you want better communication and control capabilities for your system? 你想自己的系統有更好的通信和控制性能嗎? Benefits of Serial Network Systems 串行網絡系統的好處
Adding or moving devices can be a tedious and time-consuming task when they're hard-wired, but with a Serial Network, expansion and modification can be as simple as unplugging a phone in the den and reconnecting it in the kitchen!
使用傳統的連接系統,添加或移除設備是一個繁瑣和費時的任務,但使用串行網絡,增加和修改設備簡單到就像從書房拔出線然后重新插到廚房一樣。 SMALLER SIZE 占地更小 Reducing the number of wires from hundreds (or even thousands) to a few will make a huge difference in your footprint space. An additional benefit is not having as many I/O cards to deal with. 由于從原來的數百(甚至數千)條線減少到只有幾根線,這大大減小了安裝空間。另外一個好處就是不再需要去處理許多I/O卡了。
LOWER COST OF OWNERSHIP 生產成本更低 Imagine having fewer wires to number, route, and terminate…fewer I/O cards for your PLC…faster and more effective maintenance. A Serial Network system can achieve all of the above and more. It all adds up to greater added value. 想象一下,只有很少的電線、路線、終端...少量用于PLC的I/O卡...更加快捷的維護性。這些串行網絡系統可以實現,并且還遠不止于此。這一切都增加了更大的附加值.